Friday, 27 March 2009

Blogging has had to take a bit of a back seat lately, things have been a wee bit horrible health wise for both Amber and I, hopefully things will begin to improve shortly. The other day we went for a walk in the woods and took some photographs, it was a beautiful sunny day and did much to raise the spirits, the birds were singing,chestnut buds were opening, it was a wonderful experience.
This mallard drake was busy making himself look all manly and impressive, hoping to catch the eye of a lady duck no doubt.
I just love the colour of this tree, but at the moment I am not sure what it is. When the leaves begin to form I will be able to tell.
The woods are home to a large number of flowering currant bushes and this particular blossom caught my eye, rather nice I thought.
We went for a drive the other day to visit a friend who lives at Conishead Buddhist Centre in Ulverston, it was a lovely trip and we enjoyed the day out. The curious thing about motorists and driving in general, well curious to me at any rate is, when motorists are driving in a town or congested area, they race everywhere, rush up to road junctions and screech to a halt and generally act as though they are all competing in Wacky Racers, but get them on the open road and they just dawdle along at no miles per hour, strange isn't it?

1 comment:

Ambermoggie, a fragrant soul said...

I think we just need a little warm weather.